I smile every time I read the story of the two disciples walking with a stranger on the road to Emmaus. I smile because after all their time with Jesus it seems that not only did they not recognise him they didn't know much 'sound' theology either. But they had learnt something and that was about hospitality, about welcoming the stranger. They had experienced hospitality during their time spent with Jesus travelling amongst strangers and being strangers to others; being welcomed by tax collectors and 'sinners'. Hospitality and the welcome of the stranger, the traveller, the alien can be found in religion throughout the world. It was not in the words of explanation that they recognised Jesus but he was made known to them in the breaking of bread. Jesus is not to be found in unique beliefs about him but in the everyday, the ordinary: the sharing of food, the sharing of life, the making of love. If there is a uniqueness about Jesus it is in how he makes life liveable. I guess this is why he said I have come that you might have life, and have it to the full.