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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Matthew 17:1-9

Matthew 17:1-9

This is one passage that comes around every year in the Revised Common Lectionary and one that does not exactly thrill me. I am not really into other worldly ecstatic spiritual experiences because I think there is so much to do in this world to make it a better place, so I find reading the account of Jesus and his disciples up a high mountain, alone, away from daily life a bit challenging. It is not Jesus' face shining like the sun or his clothes dazzling white, or the appearance of Moses and Elijah or the bright cloud that grabs my attention, but the words, "This is my son, the beloved, with whom I am very pleased, listen to him!"

These were the words that Jesus heard at his baptism, that he was very much loved and that God was very pleased with him. The disciples would have heard this too and Peter recalls it in his letter (2 Peter  1:17). The account is known as the Transfiguration. Transfiguration is about change, changing form, about being transformed. If we want to see this world change, if we want to see this world being transformed from a place of violence and injustice and inequity this passage says something to us about listening, really listening to the words of Jesus, one whose life was grounded in the knowledge that God was very pleased with him and that God loved him dearly, and one whose life was lived in this love. So pause and listen for the love in his words, in his words that brought about transformation in people's lives. Let these words transform us and continue to transform us. For me it is love that can really change people, love can transform anyone.

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