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Friday, March 18, 2011

John 3:1-17

John 3:1-17 Nicodemus comes out

For Nicodemus to be born again he had to first sneak out at night under the cover of darkness to consult with the very one who was being critical of Nicodemus's own religious beliefs. Even more than this, Nicodemus was 'Israel's teacher' and Jesus was challenging all that Nicodemus had ever taught, all that he stood for, all that he was. Nicodemus finally comes out as a follower of Jesus by accompanying Joseph of Arimathea to bury Jesus after he was crucified. It is not just a matter of disposing the body as quickly and discreetly as possible, Nicodemus brings with him a very large amount of spices with which to wrap Jesus' body. He undoubtedly had a great love for Jesus as well as respect for him and his teaching. He had in his own life stepped out from the old and embraced the new life of the Spirit that Jesus spoke of.

Our religion can become a burden to us and we as preachers and teachers can inflict that burden on others. Jesus says,"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." Jesus offers a spirituality of the Spirit, a breath of fresh air in the lives of individuals and the mighty winds of change in society, a transforming presence to change the world. Nicodemus no doubt heard the wind of the Spirit, it took him out at night, he felt it, it moved him, it opened him up to new possibilities and he was touched by the words of Jesus. Religion can be like a two edged Sword, it can help protect but also cut us in pieces. It can give us security, a world view, hope and a path to follow but it can also trap us, keep us from going that extra mile of discovery. I am not sure why we humans like the safety of our religions, with their laws, rules and regulations and why we prefer to hide behind them rather than to come out and expose ourselves to the light of honest truth and to the fresh winds of the Spirit which may carry us away to new depths and breadths of discovering the eternal life of which Jesus spoke. Sometimes that coming out at night, is a long gestation period, a struggle, a time in the wilderness, a lenten period, before the light dawns anew upon us and upon the world and we are born anew.

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